Monday, January 16, 2012

Tattle Tattle

January is a busy month for the release of some fascinating new books with unique subjects.  Here's just a few titles that made their way to our catalog that I hope will be of interest.  (Beth Dominianni, Director )

The Wandering Gene and the Indian Princess: Race Religion and DNA by Jeff Wheelwright - if you found The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks fascinating you will be equally interested in this story of the power of one genetic variant to travel and effect lives.

More Room in a Broken Heart: The True Adventures of Carly Simon - "Anticipation is keeping me waiting.."
Recommended to anyone interested in the singer-songwriter era of rock music and readers who wore out Simon's records playing them over and over! You know who you are!

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - Author Susan Cain is creating a noisy stir in the publishing world - this is a thoroughly researched work which states the case for how much we loose by undervaluing quiet people. 

Wine to Water by Doc Hendley - A small town Harley riding bar tender  launched a movement that has brought clean water to so many. 

In our Prime: The Invention of Middle Age by Patricia Cohen - A New York Times reporter sheds light on the changing definition of Middle Age.  One review describes her book as a "liberation anthem."

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